Thursday, August 1, 2024

The PMC is This Weekend!

The week leading up to the Pan-Mass Challenge is always when the butterflies start settling into my stomach (anticipation has always been a palpable feeling for me). Knowing that my favorite weekend of the year was approaching would always make my stomach churn, in the best way. As the years of me riding the PMC went on, uncertainty about what the ride would be like turned into certainty that it would be hard, but also so, so amazing. The butterflies in my stomach would change color, but would always appear as PMC weekend approached.

2024 is no different. The butterflies are back! This will be my 21st PMC, so the butterflies this year aren't about what to expect, where the hills will be hardest, and what it will feel like to cross the finish line. They're the anticipatory ones: excitement about seeing friends I see once a year, refreshing the weather forecast hourly (looks like we will be feeling raindrops all weekend!), and wondering what critical item I will forget this year. But also: have I trained enough? Will I have any mechanical issues? How hot is my dorm room going to be?

In 24 hours, I will enter PMC Land, a nirvana of sorts where riders are praised by strangers for the mere act of riding (well, ok, fundraising too). Where I exude gratitude for simple things like a high five from a kid along the route or a fluffernutter (YUM) made by a hard-working volunteer. Where 10,000+ riders and volunteers put aside any difference in pursuit of a common goal - a world without cancer. I think the world would be a better place if everyone could experience the spirit of the PMC.

A simple but impactful way that you can experience a taste of that feeling is to support my PMC ride by making a donation. 100% of your donation will go to the Jimmy Fund, which directly supports the innovative research and compassionate care being done by the world-renowned Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. I set an ambitious fundraising goal this year - $20,000 - and I know I can get there with your help. I am 80% of the way toward reaching my goal. The ride begins on Saturday - NOW is the time to make your cancer-fighting donation.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’ll be in my usual place in charlton to get my hug and thank all of you for riding to beat cancer.